Nursery R & V: Gallery
Beep Beep!, by Mrs Vaughan
Chinese New Year Tasting, by Mrs Vaughan
A Special Visitor, by Mrs Vaughan
Visiting the Library, by Mrs Vaughan
Oral Hygiene (toothbrushing), by Mrs Roche
Making Rainbow Pizzas, by Mrs Vaughan
Making Bird Feeders, by Mrs Vaughan
Baking Bear Paw Biscuits, by Mrs Vaughan
Fishers Farm come to visit EYFS, by Miss Millington
Life Cycle of a Butterfly, by Mrs Vaughan
Easter Egg Hunt, by Mrs Vaughan
Planting a Bean, by Mrs Vaughan
Mothers Day Tea Party, by Miss Millington
Pudsey the Bear came to visit, by Miss Allen
Library Visit, by Mrs Roche
A visit from the firefighters, by Miss Jones
Looking after our chicks in EYFS, by Miss Millington
Christmas Dinner Day, by Miss Allen
Autumn Walk 1 2022, by Mrs Roche
Butterflies, by Miss Millington
Let's Celebrate - Superhero Carnival, by Miss Jones
Let's Celebrate - Chinese New Year, by Miss Jones
Food Tasting - Chinese New Year, by Miss Jones
Let's Celebrate - Party Time!, by Miss Jones
Autumn Walk, by Miss Jones