Year 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Arnold

Miss Smith

Welcome to year 1, we are so excited to welcome the children back for the Spring Term. The year 1 teachers are Miss Smith (1S) and Mrs Warr (1W). The Teaching Assistants are Miss Jones (1S) and Miss Rocque (1W).


What we are learning this half term:

In Maths, we are learning how to add and subtract within 20. In English we will be writing a narrative science-fiction story based on the book 'The Way Back Home' by Oliver Jeffers.

In History we will be looking at 3 great explorers, Ibn Battuta, Captain Cook and Sunita Williams. We will look into their achievements and life to discover the impact they have on our world today.  In Science, we will be learning about different the 5 main animals groups and their diets. We will conduct experiements and complete sorting activties to help us understand what makes an animal a mammal, bird, fish, amphbian or reptile. 

Knowledge organisers for History and Science can be found attached to our class page where the children will find lots of new facts about their topics. These knowledge organisers are banks of information. These include facts, diagrams and key vocabulary that the children can refer to throughout each of these topics. Knowledge organisers will be updated every half term and will also be sent home so children can learn the key vocabulary for their new topic. 



Children will take part in weekly P.E lessons. P.E. in Year 1 will take place every Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kits (white top, black trousers/shorts/leggings and appropriate trainers). Please make sure children have the correct PE kit.  



In year 1, we have daily phonics lessons. At Ashbury Meadow, we follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Please see the Little Wandle parent page for access to videos and resources to support your child at home with phonics.

Further information can also be found on our phonics page of the website. 



Children will be given two books a week to read at home. The first book will be matched to their phonic ability and will be set on the Collins Ebook app each Friday. The second book will be a sharing book. This is a book the children have chosen themselves. They may not be able to read this independently however it encourages them to develop a love for reading. Children should read daily for 10 minutes. Children will be given a reading record to record when they have read to an adult at home. Please sign the reading record when you have read at home with your child or if they have read independently. 


Homework and Spellings

In Year 1, maths homework will consist of Numbots and Mathletics. Mathletics homework, which links to the topics we are learning in class, will be set every Friday.

The apps will be checked by the teachers every Thursday. English homework will be to practice phonics and spellings. Spellings are handed out on Friday  and our spelling test is on following Friday. Please ensure you are practicing spelling throughout the week so children are confident and ready for the test. 


Children’s logins for Collins Ebook, Numbots and Mathletics will be stuck in thier reading records.  


Please contact us if you have any questions, 




Miss Smith and Mrs Warr









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Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact