Nursery R & V 2024 - 2025
Mrs Roche
Mrs Vaughan
We would like to begin by saying 'Welcome Back!' after our half term to our Nursery class we have a busy and exciting half term to look forward to.
On this page you will find information about the current topic, news and updates regarding special events and dates to remember as well as access to photographs of the children and the fun things they have been doing whilst in school.
Our Nursery staff have had some changes as we say goodbye and good luck to Mrs Vaughan as she leaves for her maternity leave. We will keep you and the children updated when we have some baby new.
The class teachers for Nursery for the remainder of the school year are Mrs Roche (class NR) with Miss Davies and Mrs Bewster (class NV) with Mrs Hodge. Also, Miss Calvert and Miss Dunlop will continue to work with the children throughout the week.
Let’s Learn through Growing
Our topic for Spring 2 is ‘Growing’ this topic gives the children a greater understanding of the world around them. We will be looking at the changes in our environment outside as the session changes from Winter to Spring. We will also learn about how plants and our food grow and at how caterpillars grow into butterflies. We will do this by going on nature walks, planting seeds and watch them grow, then plant them in our allotment. We will also have Caterpillars in the class and what how they metamorphosis into butterflies. For more details of our activities please look at our medium term plan below.
During this topic we will be reading the following books in our Literacy lessons to help engage the children into our new topic: ’Baby goes to market’ by Atinuke and Angela Brooksbank; and ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ Written by Eric Carle. Literacy lessons will build and develop children’s love of stories and extend their book knowledge skills with a large emphasis on their ‘Communication and language’ supporting them to speak using simple sentences in English and to ask and answer questions. During our investigation Fridays we will be encouraging children to explore how plants and caterpillars grow and using lots of science experiments with lines of enquiry to ask: Where does our food come from, who grows our food? What is growing in our environment? What is needed to grow a plant? How do Caterpillars turn into Butterflies?
In Maths children will continue to develop their understanding of numbers – using subitising and the cardinal number. This will grow the children's confidence with simple matching & counting activities that include numbers 0-5 and number formation. Children will also begin to compare 2 items by their height, length, weight, capacity and size. We will be following the ‘mastery maths approach’ along with the rest of the school.
In Phonics this term the children will begin our ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' programme. During these lessons, the children play different games and are introduced to new items that begin with the sound of the week.
This term the sounds we are learning are:
Week 1: u
Week 2: r
Week 3: h
Week 4: b
Week 5: f
Week 6: l
We will continue to use our 'Rainbow challenge’. This is used by the children during their ‘continuous provision time’ after adult input lessons. It is broken up into different areas/tables for the children to learn and play e.g. the ‘Construction area’ or the ‘Writing table’ or the ‘Reading corner’ and each are associated with a specific colour. Children are encouraged to explore their whole environment throughout the week and in doing so gain a coloured lollipop stick for each area they have engaged with. If they complete the Rainbow they are rewarded with a sticker and a prize at the end of the week.
We place a large emphasis on children’s personal, social and emotional development and will continue to do so as we move through the year. We are in no doubt that the Covid pandemic has had a large impact on our pupils and their lives and so our aim is to get them talking, ensure they feel safe and have confidence to build relationships with their peers.
In addition, we will continue each week to engage in a ‘Music Assembly’ whereby the children sing songs and explore sound and instruments. We will also have a celebration assembly each Friday to award our ‘Stars of the week’ and ‘Citizens of the week’. During this half term parents and carers will have the opportunity to come into school for the Certificate Assembly and see their child receive their certificate on Thursday 6th March in the School Studio. Also the Celebrations Assembly at the end of the term on the 3rd of April for the children to show their work.
Please see the 'Files to download' section below to find out more about your child's daily timetable and curriculum.
As we are now moving from Winter into spring. Please send a coat with your child everyday as the weather can change and be sunny in the morning but may rain/snow in the afternoon. Please make sure your child is bringing a water bottle to school which they can access throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Please remember to send in a pair of Wellington boots for your child. We play outside in all weathers and the children really do love to splash in muddy puddles.
We would like to remind all parents that as part of your child’s school uniform. Please have a spare set of clothes in school at all times. This is in case there are any toileting accidents or messy play mishaps. It is an expectation that children come to school toilet trained but we appreciate this isn’t always so easy and will support them as best we can in school.
Homework – The children’s homework book and bag are sent home on a Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday AM. This allows the staff to review the Homework and get the new homework ready to send out on the Friday.
We have now started our Library Loan scheme with the parents/Carers and children. You have been allocated a day for you and your child to choose a reading book together. This book is for you to share with your child at home. Please read the story to them regularly. It is so important for children to listen to a variety of books and a beautiful joint experience for you both to share in.
Thank you for your support, we look forward to our continued work with you this year!
Application for Reception September 2025.
The applications for Reception places for September 2025 have now closed. Please contact : If you have any questions about this process please ask a member of the Nursery team.
If you are unable to down load the document please follow this link to fill in an application:
Diary dates:
EYFS Certificate Assembly: Thursday 6th March 2025.
World book day: Thursday 6th March 2025. (Wear your Pyjamas or dress as a favourite character).
Red Nose Day: Friday 21st March 2025.
EYFS Celebration Assembly: Thursday 3rd April 2025.
One final message...
Here in Early years at Ashbury meadow primary school we put every effort into building strong relationships with our pupils so that school is a place they not only enjoy, and feel safe but THRIVE and communication and Language forms the foundation of this, please take a few minutes to watch this TED talk which encompasses our ethos
How Every Child can Thrive by Five by Molly Wright
Files to Download
Nursery R & V: Gallery items
Beep Beep!, by Mrs Vaughan
Chinese New Year Tasting, by Mrs Vaughan
A Special Visitor, by Mrs Vaughan