Hedgehog Group 2024 - 2025

Mr Puddick

Welcome to Hedgehog Group, we hope you had a lovely winter break and we are excited to welcome the children back. The teacher in the Hedgehog class is Mr Puddick and the teaching assistants are Miss Jade, Mr Ali and Miss Iram.

What we are learning this half term:

In English we are going to be continue to develop our writing by looking at a narrative. We are going to be using the text; ‘The Invisible’ by Tom Percival, to develop our sentence structure. In History we are going to be exploring crime and punishment from the 1800's to present day. We will be looking at how crimes and punishments have changed and the reasons why. In art we will be studying the work of LS Lowry and learning how to paint a cityscape. In Science, our topic is Light and we will be finding out how light travels and how we can see objects. In P.S.H.E, we are going to be further developing our work on emotions, labelling them and developing strategies to support us to regulate them. 


Children will take part in weekly P.E lessons. P.E. will take place on individual days as per your child’s timetable. These days will be confirmed to you by Mr Puddick. Children must come to school in their PE kits (white top, black trousers/shorts/leggings and appropriate trainers). Please make sure children have the correct PE kit. 


All children will read with an adult daily in school. This book will be matched to their reading ability. They will have a second book that is a sharing book. This is a book the children have chosen themselves. They may not be able to read this independently however it encourages them to develop a love for reading. Children should read daily for 10 minutes. Children will be given a reading record to record when they have read to an adult at home. Please sign the reading record when you have read at home with your child or if they have read independently. 

Homework and Spellings

In Hedgehog Group, maths homework will consist of Numbots and Timestable Rockstars. English homework will be to practise phonics and spellings. Homework will be handed out on Friday. Children will also be given 10 minutes of topic homework each week which will link to our knowledge organisers. Children’s logins will be stuck into the front of their homework books.  

Please contact us if you have any questions,

Mr Puddick


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Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact