Dragonflies 2024 - 2025
Miss Rowlinson
Welcome to the Dragonflies class page!
Our class teacher is Miss Rowlinson. Our class TAs are Miss Michelle and Miss Nicolae.
What we are learning this half term
In Maths, we will be exploring arrays. After arrays we will be moving on to exploring weight and capasity. In Literacy, our text is ‘Meet the Weather' By Carly Hart.
Within topics, we will be exploring colour mixing in Art, festivals in RE and world views and looking at old and new in History.
Children will take part in weekly P.E lessons. Some year groups will also have the opportunity to do dance lessons on alternative half terms.
If your child does P.E. in Year 2 or 3Year 3 , they have P.E. on a Wednesday.
If your child does P.E. in Dragonflies class, they have P.E. on a Friday.
If you are unsure, please check with your class teacher.
For both P.E. and dance, children must come to school in their PE kits (white top, black trousers/shorts/leggings and appropriate trainers). Please make sure children have the correct PE kit.
In Dragonflies, we have daily phonics lessons. At Ashbury Meadow, we follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Please see the Little Wandle parent page for access to videos and resources to support your child at home with phonics. Further information can be found on our phonics page of the website. https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/
Children will be given two books a week to read at home. The first book will be matched to their phonic ability and will be set on the Collins Ebook app each Friday. The second book will be a sharing book. They may not be able to read this independently however it encourages them to develop a love for reading. Children should read daily for 10 minutes. Children will be given a reading record to record when they have read to an adult at home. Please sign the reading record when you have read at home with your child or if they have read independently.
Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) support
Every Monday, our speech and language therapist Mehreen spends the day in the provision. She works with individual children, doing activities based on their SALT targets. She also provides training for staff members to ensure we can deliver these activities on the other four days of the week.
Communication, language and interaction targets
Each child has target time every afternoon, during which, they will work on activities based on the EHCP, SALT and individual class targets. Your child will have three targets, focused on developing their communication, understanding and social interaction. These are reviewed at the end of each half-term by teachers and SALT. If you are unsure of your child’s targets, you can ask your child’s teacher.
Communication books
Every day, we will write in your child's communication book about how your child has been and what they have done. Please check your child's communication book every evening and write a message to let us know how they have been and what they have done at home. Communication books must be brought to school every day and we will always return them to you at the end of the school day.
Additional learning apps
At school, we will be starting to use some learning apps and would encourage you to try using them at home with your child. Lexia is an app that supports your child’s phonics learning and Numbots is an app that supports your childs maths learning.