Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Miller
Ms Rothwell
Welcome to Year 4!
The teachers in Year 4 are Miss Rothwell (4R) and Mrs Miller (4M). The teaching assistants are Mr Foster. We are very much looking forward to having you all in school, we hope you are excited for all you will to learn in Year 4.
By the end of Year 4, children need to know all the times table facts for the 1-12 times tables. At the end of the year, children will take part in the Year 4 National Times Table Check which tests their knowledge of the times table facts for 1-12 times tables.
This assessment will take place during a two-week period beginning the week of June 2nd 2025.
What will we be learning this half-term?
This half term we will study a fictional text 'The Princess and the Pea' by Luaren Child. Children will take part in a variety of sentence stacking and experience based lessons following the story of the Princess and the Pea with a view to creating their own altered narrative of the traditional tale.
The children will focus on utlising a variety of grammatical and linguistic techniques to change the narrative of the text. These will include, adverbials of time, precise verbs to reflect the mood and direct speech.
This half term, pupils will continue to develop their multiplication and dividision. They will begin to understand mathematical vocabulary such as 'quotient' in relation to division. They will learn how to calculate multiplication equations using the multiplication facts that they know. They will understand the difference between sharing and grouping and they will understand the commutative law in multiplication. They will also solve problems involving multiplication and division.
This half term,we will be beginning with a fiction unit in our shared reading studying a text called 'Perry Angel's Suitcase' by Glenda Millard. Children will explore the idea of creating narrative through inference within the pictures and have opportunity to uncover the purpose and meaning behind this and to make links between their main character within their literacy model text.
This term, the children will be learning about the digestive system and will have opportunity to take part in practial experiements whereby they will explore observing, measuring and conducting their own investigatiosn. They will also have opportunity to plan and carry out their own experiments.
In history this half term, we will be exploring the question 'Which legacy of the Ancient Greeks has the most lasting impact today?' Children will explore Ancient Greece and uncover the legacies which still remain within our societies of today. Children will explore factors that united and divided Ancient Greece. Children will make comparisons between societal life through exploration of artifacts and research based activities.
This half term, Year 4 will explore the work of Georges Seurat, a renowned artist known for developing the technique of Pointillism. As part of the Year 4 art topic, they will improve their mastery of painting techniques and develop their understanding of great artists in history. The children will apply these skills to produce their own imaginative pieces in Seurat's iconic style.
Home Reading
Children will be given a reading book to use for reading at home. The books should be returned to school once the children have read them, at which point your child will collect a new book to read themselves. We expect children to be reading at least 3 times a week at home to an adult. Children will also be given a reading record to record when they have read to an adult at home. Reading records will be checked to ensure they are being used effectively.
P.E. and Swimming
Children will take part in weekly P.E. lessons. P.E. will take place on Tuesdays. Children are to come to school in their PE kits, ready for PE. This PE kit is to consist of a white top, black trousers/shorts/leggings and appropriate trainers.
Children will take part in weekly swimming lessons. Swimming lessons will take place on Mondays starting on 9th September. Children must come to school ‘swimming ready’ with their swimwear on underneath their uniforms. Children must bring underwear and a towel in their swimming bag. Please refer to our swimming information letter, which can be downloaded on this website page, for details about the sessions and what your child needs to wear.
Children will be expected and encouraged to follow our Year 4 homework timetable to support their learning at home. As part of the Wider Curriculum, children will be encouraged to spend time reading and learning the information within their Knowledge Organizers. Children will be set work on Google Classroom connected to their learning of the Knowledge Organizers.
Monday to Thursday |
Weekend |
Reading |
10 minutes daily reading practice: Collins text on app or Home reading book |
10 minutes daily reading practice: Collins text on app or Home reading book |
Phonics / Spelling |
Monday & Wednesday: 5 minutes practice of spellings and/or phonics |
Maths |
Tuesday & Thursday: 5 minutes Timestable Rockstars |
20 minutes Mathletics practice from learning in class |
Wider Curriculum |
20 minutes Knowledge Organiser work |
Children will be given spellings at the start of each week. These must be practised during the week, ready for our spelling test on Friday.
Times tables
By the end of Year 4, children need to know all the times table facts for the 1-12 times tables. At the end of the year, children will take part in the Year 4 National Times Table Check which tests their knowledge of the times table facts for 1-12 times tables.
This assessment will take place during a two-week period beginning the week of June 2nd 2025.
We will practise regularly in school but it is crucial that children are practising their times tables at home daily for rapid recall. To support them with this, please make sure your child is regularly practising on Times Table Rockstars. In order to support your child further, we will have a weekly focus on a particular multiplication group which will then be tested and their progress monitored.
If you have any questions or need any help or support, please come and speak to us at the end of the day or email at the following class email addresses.
Miss. Rothwell 4R
Mrs. Miller 4M