SEND Sports

At Ashbury Meadow we interweave a range of sports throughout the curriculum and pride ourselves on being inclusive throughout everything we do. This means enabling all children to take part in all sport and P.E. activities.

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We also take part in, and promote, specific sports activities for children with SEND, such as holding a SEND sports day within our grounds where we invited two other schools to join us. Our P.E. coordinator Mr Wall has run a multi-sports club on Fridays in Rainbow Club to promote active learning in the outside environment. We also have attended inclusive sports events organised by other agencies, such as indoor Athletics at Manchester City and sports days organised by the Manchester Sensory Support Service. 

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In 2022 we were crowned the 'School of the Year' in the Manchester Sports Awards as testament to our efforts to promote sport and healthy lifestyles to all pupils in our school and local community. 

Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact