School Clubs

Clubs at Ashbury Meadow

The breadth of extra-curricular activities, spanning the musical, artistic, social and sporting domains, are widely considered valuable life experiences that should be open to all young people, regardless of background or where they happen to live. Activities such as being a member of a sports team, learning a musical instrument, or attending a local youth group are enriching life experiences. 

Social Mobility Commission

At Ashbury Meadow, clubs are rotated every full term to ensure all pupils have an opportunity to experience new skills and develop their life skills, which will support them as they move through life. Clubs take place before school, at lunchtime and after school. At present, in September 2024, we have the following clubs available:

Multisports clubs

Gardening club

Debating club

Robotics club

Djembre Drumming club, run by a specialist music teacher

Chess club, run by Chess4Schools

App Clubs

Reading Club 

Tracey's Fun Club

Art Club

CITC - lunch sports clubs

Morning maths club

Morning Lexia club 

Ashbury Meadow Community Primary School
Rylance St,
Manchester M11 3NA
Mrs Eve Peters: Main Contact