Children at Ashbury Meadow gain a thorough understanding of science through topic-based learning tailored to the National Curriculum’s objectives and the Early Years Specific Area of Learning: Understanding the World.
Through our science spiral curriculum, children develop their substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge through units within strands of biology, chemistry and physics. Disciplinary knowledge, through working scientifically, is built upon through four scientific concepts: scientific methods; apparatus, measurement and recording of data; data analysis, process, presenting and communicating of results; and evidence to develop and draw conclusions.
In order for children at Ashbury Meadow to progress in science, we believe it is important that scientific knowledge is built on through a well-planned, spiral curriculum with well-sequenced lessons across the year groups. We have ensured that the spiral curriculum is relevant to the children and our school context, that key concepts are revisited regularly and connections are made to other curriculum areas. Alongside the teaching and learning of fundamental and topic-specific skills, children gain confidence and proficiency in designing and carrying out independent investigations.
We believe that accurate use of scientific vocabulary, which is ensured through high-quality adult-led modelling, underpins effective learning and recall of science. This requires a clear introduction to targeted vocabulary, followed by visual representations, repetition and application of key words to enable children to recall and use appropriate vocabulary in a variety of different media. We intend to develop children's science capital by valuing and linking pupils' experiences, identities and what matters to them.