The majority of our pupils join our school with an initial level of computer literacy, for example, most pupils have experience of using iPads. This is then built upon to further their computer literacy beginning in EYFS to develop, for example, learning the different parts of a computer and what they are used for. EYFS pupils also benefit from using a wider range of IT such as cameras and programmable toys.
As the children progress through our school, computing skills are developed into learning how to use a variety of hardware and software progrmmes. Throughout each lesson and key stage, is the need for responsible technology use including awareness of online safety and an appreciation of how technology can be used to assist us in our daily lives.
Computing at Ashbury Meadow is taught through individual units as part of a sprial curriculum supported by Purple Mash. We have ensured that the sprial curriculum is relevant to the children and our school context, that key concepts are revisited regularly and connections are made to other curriculum areas.
As children progress through Ashbury Meadow, the computing units of work are built upon, for example, coding is taught in each year group. In EYFS, computing is more grounded in creativity and playing games to develop motor control and learning that their input has an outcome.
The teaching of key vocabulary in computing is consistently referred to throughout lessons and is given real life contexts, for example, referring to an algorithm as a set of instructions.